Unbypassed Common Emitter Gain

Looking at the DC behavior of the almlifier and following the convention that lower case letters represent changes in the respective quantities:

The gain is

which for small rE can be approximated by

Add bypass
NPN Common Emitter Amplifier

Electronics concepts
HyperPhysics*****Electricity and magnetismR Nave
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Common Emitter Voltage Gain

Looking at the DC behavior of the almlifier and following the convention that lower case letters represent changes in the respective quantities:

The gain is

but for AC signal variations for which CE is an effective bypass, the gain is

Remove bypass

Numerical Example
NPN Common Emitter Amplifier

Electronics concepts
HyperPhysics*****Electricity and magnetismR Nave
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Common Emitter Voltage Gain

With the bypass capacitor in place, the voltage gain is dertemined by the collector resistor RC and the effective resistance of the transistor rE.

This effective resistance is

where RBE is the forward resistance of the base-emitter diode.

Remove bypass

NPN Common Emitter Amplifier

Electronics concepts
HyperPhysics*****Electricity and magnetismR Nave
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