Gaussian Distribution Function

DistributionFunctional FormMeanStandard Deviation

If the number of events is very large, then the Gaussian distribution function may be used to describe physical events. The Gaussian distribution is a continuous function which approximates the exact binomial distribution of events.

The Gaussian distribution shown is normalized so that the sum over all values of x gives a probability of 1. The nature of the gaussian gives a probability of 0.683 of being within one standard deviation of the mean. The mean value is a=np where n is the number of events and p the probability of any integer value of x (this expression carries over from the binomial distribution ). The standard deviation expression used is also that of the binomial distribution.

The Gaussian distribution is also commonly called the "normal distribution" and is often described as a "bell-shaped curve".

If the probability of a single event is p = and there are n = events, then the value of the Gaussian distribution function at value x = is x 10^. For these conditions, the mean number of events is and the standard deviation is .

Show Gaussian curve


Distribution functions

Applied statistics concepts
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Gaussian Distribution Function

The full width of the gaussian curve at half the maximum is

Applied statistics concepts
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