

Microcline is a silicate of potassium and aluminum with the composition KAlSi3O8 . The sample above is about 60x40 cm and is from Keyhole vug, Crystal Peak, Florissant, Colorado. It is described as microcline with albite. The section at right shows more detail of the structure of both minerals.

Microcline is classified as a feldspar.

This microcline sample is labeled Mannebach twinned crystal and is from Crystal Peak, Colorado. It is about 10x10 cm.

This microcline sample is labeled Carlsbad twinned crystal and is from Crystal Peak, Colorado. It is about 8x8 cm.

The microcline sample at left is about 12x12 cm and is from Lake George, Colombia. The sample below is about 8x8 cmand is from Japan.

Mindat: Microcline

Microcline and aquamarine
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