Fresnel Diffraction: Opaque Strip

Jenkins & White's treatment is the best I've found. Below is a sketch from J&W which is in best agreement with what we see with the diffraction pattern from a human hair.

Cornu spiral

Diffraction concepts

Fresnel diffraction

Jenkins & White
p. 400
HyperPhysics***** Light and Vision R Nave
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Opaque Circle

An opaque circular disk gives a concentric ring diffraction pattern similar to the circular aperture, but in addition it has a bright spot in the center referred to as either Poisson's spot or Fresnel's spot. It seems more appropriate to name it after Fresnel since he developed the theory. Halliday and Resnick have the best picture of it I have found.

In fact, Poisson strenuously objected to having it named after him because it was observed after an objection he raised to Fresnel's thesis - i.e. that Fresnel's calculation would imply such a bright dot and it hadn't been seen. This initiated a search for it and it was quickly found.


Diffraction concepts

Fresnel diffraction

Halliday, Resnick,Walker
Ch 37
HyperPhysics***** Light and Vision R Nave
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