Voyager I

Voyager I was launched Sep 5, 1977. It explored Jupiter and its satellites and moved on to explore Saturn and others. Closest approach to Jupiter Mar 5 1979. The signal transit time to Jupiter is about 40 minutes. Its closest approach to Saturn (126,000 km) was on Nov 12, 1980. Our knowledge of the outer planets was enormously increased by Voyager I and Voyager II.

Overview of Voyager journeys

Solar System Illustration

Solar System Concepts
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Voyager II

Voyager II was launched on August 20, 1977 and had its closest interaction with Jupiter on Jul 9, 1979. Detailed information about Jupiter, Saturn and the outer planets came from Voyager I and II.

Overview of Voyager journeys

Solar System Illustration

Solar System Concepts
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Voyager Overview

Voyager I and Voyager II greatly expanded our knowledge of the outer planets.

After National Geographic, January 1980, p2.

Solar System Illustration

Solar System Concepts
HyperPhysics********** Astrophysics R Nave
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